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  • Playing with ChatGPT

    Me: Write a parallel program using C and OpenMP to search an array of integers for a given integer. ChatGPT: Here is an example of a parallel program in C that uses OpenMP to search an array of integers for a given integer: This program uses the #pragma omp parallel for directive to parallelize the……

  • VerifyThis 2023: Call for Problems

    Deadline: February 1st, 2023 VerifyThis is an annual program verification competition held as part of ETAPS. It is an opportunity for community members and tool authors to showcase their work and learn from each other with hands-on exercises. The competition proceeds in three rounds. In each round, participants are given 90 minutes to implement and……

  • Verification of a Barrier Algorithm, part 1

    The concurrency flag, aka binary semaphore, is the most primitive synchronization structure. It is the basic concurrency building block, from which all manner of more complex synchronization algorithms can be implemented. A concurrency flag has two states: up or down. It supports two atomic operations: lower and raise. The lower operation is enabled only when……